Monday, December 18, 2017

♫ singing

"If you want to sing out
Sing out
And if you want to be free
Be free"
- If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out, Cat Stevens

*snaps fingers and claps, dodie-style*

it's way too late for me to be blogging rn. I was planning to go to sleep an hour-ish ago, but I'm still up! (obviously)

this post is gonna be a bit disjointed and random, but to heck with it. life is disjointed and random!

back in September, I got accepted to the chorale at my school! exciting? yes! I didn't get in last year, so I was super jazzed about being a part of a choir again.

the first few weeks (months?) weren't quite as great as I expected, though. most of the sophomores had been a part of the group during the previous year, which meant they had already formed their friend groups and cliques and whatnot. so I felt kinda left out when people would chat before and after rehearsal since I didn't really know anyone that well.

don't get me wrong, everyone in the chorale is super nice! the environment is so positive and welcoming, which I was hecka grateful for during the times I've fricked up whilst singing. 

nonetheless, I still felt like an outsider. which sucked, since I was hoping to make some new amigos during my time in the group. the first few sections of socializing were written during the choir retreat. while everyone else was having fun conversing. yep...

don't be too sad though! things have gotten better!

back in November, I decided to go to our chorale's karaoke night, since I figured there wouldn't be too many people there and momma didn't raise her son to turn down an opportunity to karaoke!! it was a blast. any night where you get to do High School Musical, Queen, and Glee is A-OK in my book. the others were pretty impressed by my mad karaoke skills (I think).

this month, I performed at four Christmas concerts the weekend before finals week. not super ideal conditions, but the performances were also a lot of fun! two wow-worthy things occurred over this period of time. I made a couple of friends during our rehearsals for the concerts! they were people I'd met earlier in the year, but the rehearsals/performances gave us the opportunity to talk more and become chummier. we even got dinner together between performances at one point! and went to go study in a Starbucks as well! like, wow! these are my kind of people :-)

also! halfway through the first(?) performance, I somehow unlocked my hidden potential and found that (after like 5 years of choir) I can finally do vibrato! kinda! not super strong yet, but it's there! this is incredibly exciting for me, since it was something I never got around to learning in high school. even though I probably should've? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

next up: overtone singing! I tried it today out of boredom, just to see if I could. and I can! kinda! not super strong yet, but it's there!

moral of the story: ♪♫♪♫

hmm, that's not a moral. interpret as you may, I guess.