Thursday, September 26, 2019

📞😌 revisiting "calling"

"Stop callin'
Stop callin'
I don't wanna talk anymore"
- Telephone, Lady Gaga ft. Beyonce

I'm an introvert. Surprise, nothing has changed! Is that relevant to this post? I'm not sure yet.

Being an introvert means that I kinda have to take a different approach to seemingly mundane tasks. I like meeting new people. Talking to them, not so much. (Or is it the other way around? IDK.) I still am not a fan of being in large groups of people. I'm a little bit more used to it now, though. In general, I can only deal with people for short periods of time before I have to tap out. For my sake and theirs.

And every now and then, I'm forced to deal with phone calls.

Phone calls are alright.

I'll still schedule appointments online if the opportunity presents itself. Email is still one of my preferred forms of contact. And face-to-face convos are still something that I'm okay with.

I guess phone calls have become easier for me since I do them a little more often nowadays. Usually, this consists of me talking to my friends to make plans. I also think PUBG Mobile deserves some credit since I use voice chat to strategize with my friends during matches (voice chat is basically like a phone call, right?). Even though I can't see their faces, it doesn't really matter because they're my friends and won't judge me for being a weirdo. Ha ha ha!

Side note: socializing is still v important and v hard.

I'm very pleased with myself for becoming more comfortable with phone calls. Still not 100% on board with them, but I'm definitely a lot better at them than I used to be. But if I can take a loophole, you can still sign me the frick up for it.

A while back, I had a convo with one of my friends for a good 2-3 hours. We reminisced on some old photos and talked about personal development and whatnot. It was a good time. Almost like being a kid again...

Texting, Messenger, Snapchat, and other forms of media are all well and good, but there's something charming and almost fun (???) about phone calls that makes them kinda nice. Video calls are also pretty neat unless someone rings you while you're in the bathroom...

Phone calls still suck every now and then. But nowadays, they're pretty okay for me!

As I've mentioned before, I'll always consider face-to-face convos the superior method of communication. But if I can't make that work... I can always consider calling.