"Arm stretch a tee like I nailed it
Raf movin' slow like a creep
Shirt in the breeze like I'm sailin'
And I walk in my sleep, I can't help that"
- Biking, Frank Ocean
I walk to class every morning. It's about a mile. It takes me 20 minutes or so.
When I walk to class (or pretty much anywhere), I tend to look at the ground as I'm moving. Of course, I look up enough to make sure I'm not gonna run into a lamppost or anything, but for the most part, I've come to know the sidewalk quite well.
Eye contact is scary. When I go walking in my neighborhood, sometimes the people I pass smile and greet me and I get hecka freaked out. On many unfortunate occasions, I'm caught off-guard and have to force a smile quickly, which messes up my face for a little while afterward.
When I travel back home, I usually take the bus. It's faster and I'm tired. Plus it lessens the pressure of having to cross streets and whatnot.
When I'm on the bus, I like to look at the businesses/restaurants along my school route and appreciate seeing them from a new point of view. A couple of days ago, I saw a store on my route that I had never noticed before. And I thought, "huh, why did I never see this place?"
Today I tripped while I was on my way to class. I didn't fall over, but it was still pretty embarrassing. I had my hands in my pockets (because it was cold), so if I had actually fallen, I probably would've gotten injured. But I didn't have time to stop and panic over my near-injury experience or contemplate my good fortune, because I had to get to class. So I just kept walking.
The walk seems like it would get tedious after a while, but I'm actually quite appreciative of the opportunity. It's a nice slot of time where it's just me, my thoughts, and the sidewalk. And the people around me. And the cars of the morning traffic. And, in this season, the cold cold wind. Brr!
Sometimes I'm tired and I don't want to walk. Sometimes I'm running late and I have to hustle. Sometimes I want to just throw in the towel and take the bus instead.
Interestingly enough, I decided to walk home today instead of taking the bus. I'm still not entirely sure why. I think it's because I wanted more content to write about for this post.
It was an interesting experience. I tried to look up more, just to see what changed. I'm not sure if things were different because I looked up, because it was evening rather than morning, or because I was walking in the opposite direction.
In any case, I noticed many things I'd never noticed during my walks to school. The brightly painted front of a restaurant. Potted plants hanging from streetlights. A clothing store with mannequins sporting the best of yeehaw fashion.
Near the end of my journey, my legs started getting tired. Most of the time, walking only hurts my feet (maybe because I'm flat-footed? who knows). But uphill walks never fail to do a number on my calves. Sure, it's only a mile-long walk. But I also had to carry my backpack (and all my emotional baggage). Also, keep in mind that if I don't have to go to class or buy groceries, I hole up in my apartment. I don't get out much.
But I pushed through. I kept on moving. I made it home.
And at the end of the day, that's really the only thing that I can do. Keep on keeping on. Keep on walking.