"Jesus has overcome
And the grave is overwhelmed
The victory is won
He is risen from the dead
- I Will Rise, Chris Tomlin
A little under two weeks ago, Holy Thursday marked the end of this year's season of Lent. Over the last couple of months, I learned that the seafood selection in Safeway is surprisingly good - I'm dangerously fond of popcorn shrimp, so it was quite the challenge to avoid buying some every Friday...
This Lent, I tried to do one act of kindness every day. It worked out pretty well for the most part, even though I ended up somewhat disappointed with myself every time I missed an opportunity.
Being the busy college student I am, I ended up passing through a lot of doors. It seemed like I was always rushing to my next destination even more often than usual, maybe because I was conscious of all the doors I wasn't holding open. In spite of my resolution to slow down and prop some doors open, I gradually returned to rushing to my next destination and breezing right through. Sometimes it was because I was trying to get to class on time. Other times, I just didn't want to hold the door open.
In a more figurative sense (because who doesn't love symbolism?), missing my chances to hold doors open reflects how stewardship isn't always easy (or desirable). Sometimes, opportunities pass us by while we're still trying to decide whether or not we should help. Sometimes, we're too busy to care about others. And sometimes, we're in a position to provide service and we simply don't. Exhibit A: me!
Of course, just because Lent is over doesn't mean that I should stop trying to do good in the world. Even when I make mistakes or fail to meet my own expectations, I know that life is a process of continual growth and learning. There are still a lot of doors in the world, and I'll keep trying my best to hold open as many as I can.
(Side note: Is this symbolism too much of a stretch? This is what happens when you haven't taken any English classes for two years...)
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