"I don't wanna dance
I don't know how
I don't wanna dance
I don't know how to dance with you"
- I Don't Wanna Dance, COIN
if there's one thing on this earth that freaks me out more than singing or playing an instrument, it's dancing.
it's an absolute nightmare for me. it involves a certain amount of coordination that I am severely lacking. heck, I can barely make it to my classes without tripping over a curb or two.
singing and dancing should go together like peanut butter and jelly, yeah? match made in heaven and all that?
I can't dance to save my life. it stresses me out. it depletes my self-esteem. it's hard for me, okay??
swing music. wow!
I love swing music more than I love jazz, and that's saying a lot. something about the style is so thrilling. wowee!
swing dancing? that's another thing altogether.
God knows I love swing music more than life itself. but when dancing is factored in... yikes!
I can't even listen to jazz as I write this because it reminds me too much of swing. I'm listening to classical music. classical music! that's for Sunday nights and nights before exams!!
they say practice makes perfect. that's a fricking lie. you can practice for some indeterminate number of fortnights and still only come out subpar. like me with singing. but singing has become such a basic part of my life that it really doesn't matter that my singing skills are the stuff of mediocrity.
*sigh* the show must go on. this is just another piece of the puzzle, another note in the song, another gear in the machine.
it's week 5 of the quarter. dance dance, I'm falling apart to half time.
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