5. judge books by covers?
there are two ways to interpret the phrase "judging a book by its cover". so i'll discuss both!
literal interpretation:
yes and no. i usually judge books by the back cover, if it has a synopsis on it. hahaha!
anyway, nowadays there's a good way to get around reading a book to see if it's good or not - the internet! just slap that title into goodreads and see what other people have to say! easy as pie!
i actually don't use goodreads. i usually get books recommended me to my few book-reading friends, and most of the time i end up enjoying them. no need to bother with internet randos.
if i pick up a book, i'll usually read it all the way through, no matter how bad it is (unless it's little house on the prarie. i never finished that). even if it's the jungle! good Lord, that book was so depressing and monotonous. or nectar in a sieve. or the secret life of bees. or the scarlet letter. or - wait, i should stop crapping on all these classics... people are gonna get offended. ':D
back to the point!! most books have a variety of different covers, as artists probably have different interpretations of what the story means to them. some are very pretty, some are very bizarre, some are completely unrelated to the content of the novel.
that being said, the cover of a book doesn't matter. the synopsis on the cover doesn't matter. the opinions other people hold on the book doesn't matter!! what matters is what you take from the book, and how you think it is.
tl;dr - cover art is nice, being true to yourself is better!!
figurative interpretation:
no. abso-hecking-lutely not.
this part is gonna be cliche as all heck but i'm gonna talk about it anyway.
i'm a judgmental person. if someone does something mildly annoying, my approval of them plummets. on the other hand, if someone does something mildly kind, my approval of them skyrockets. it's a terrible way to live. i'm working on it.
when i'm feeling calm and reasonable, i take a step back and take into account that many people are going through shiz that i don't know about. and sometimes that shiz makes them come off as annoying, rude, callous, whatever. so i do my best to turn the other cheek. eye for an eye, WWJD, kill 'em with kindness, all that good stuff. people are too quick to judge nowadays. and i sure as heck am one of them!! but deep down, i believe in the best of people. there are very few people who are truly "evil". most are just misunderstood or misled.
i guess it's also important to discuss the flipside - people who act nice but are total dipsticks at heart. my sensible side says that i still have to treat them kindly. they too probably have reasons for being dipsticks that i don't know about. eye eye!! WWJD!! kindness? kill 'em!! you get the point.
so whether it's a book, a person, a movie, a group of people, a tv show, an event, or a deceptively delicious-looking monte cristo (i'm looking at YOU, cheesecake factory), first impressions can sometimes be misleading. outward appearances will deceive the frick out of you. and, when you get to know them, people will surprise you!
tl;dr - "everything is not what it seems". wise words from selena gomez. also a bop. don't judge me.
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