15. writing makes me feel...
tired. hey, honesty is the best policy...
we're at the halfway-ish point today. august has an odd number of days so there's no exact halfway day. i've written 6 posts about writing already. i'm running out of things to say. there are still at least four or five writing-related prompts left. please help.
i know i've said it before, but the quality of my writing depends on a number of factors, including (but not limited to) general ambiance, noise level, weather, migration patterns of european swallows, the alignment of the planets, and the population of bismarck.
the point is that some days i'm super jazzed to write, while on other days i can barely scrape together a sentence without falling asleep on the keyboard. take today, for example. i'm pretty much just curled up in the writing rut, snoozing away.
the writing rut! our old friend. frenemy? enemy. let's revisit our old enemy, shall we?
depending on how deep the rut is, writing can feel very unfulfilling during the process. if i'm writing a paper for a class and i don't have any ideas or inspiration, i'm basically just writing for the sake of my grades. it's just lines of text filling up a page, rather than a product of my creative nature. nothing really fun or interesting about that.
i've written tons of papers where i had zero inspiration but needed to turn them in on time. some of them received okay scores, but most of them were pretty disastrous.
but when all is said and done, finishing a paper that you worked really hard on gives such a great feeling of accomplishment. it's a sentiment that ranges from "thank goodness this writing nightmare is over" to "wow, i'm a genius and this paper should be framed for posterity!!". either way, it's an enjoyable sense of satisfaction.
anyhow, the way writing makes me feel can change depending on what i'm writing about and how i'm writing it. today, i'm writing about something i've discussed pretty thoroughly already and doing so in a dry, semi-sardonic manner. but regardless of how good or bad the piece ends up being, i will always be tired after completing it. and so i'll cut this post off right here. adiรณs!
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