Monday, August 13, 2018

💬 orating (beda day 13)

13. my award speech

Somebody came up to me once and asked, "how do you want to be remembered when you're gone?" That question really resonated with me. Before, I'd never really thought about the legacy I wanted to leave behind. I suddenly became worried about what might happen if people forgot about me. How would I leave my mark on the earth? When would I get the chance to produce lasting splendor? What would I do if I couldn't reach my goals?

Once I got over the initial fear of being forgotten, I figured I should start making a strategy for avoiding such issues. I brainstormed a bunch of different ideas, some bizarre, some complex, some wildly impractical. But eventually, I settled upon a very simple strategy - focusing on myself. If I made myself my number one priority, I'd be guaranteed to make a difference somehow.

Told myself time and time again that I would make an impact on the world. I would create something worth remembering. I would find a way to preserve my legacy. But as I focused more on what I wanted to achieve, my ambition began to consume me. In my naivete, I'd failed to take into account how narcissistic my decision would make me become.

Me, myself, and I were the top priorities for the longest time. I started focusing on self-fulfillment rather than attending to the needs of others. I became a person whose morals had become twisted past the point of recognition. I was so obsessed with my dream that it became hard for me to care about anything else. And yet, I convinced myself that I was achieving what I'd set out to accomplish.

The moment that changed my life was when the exact same person who had gotten me to think about my legacy re-entered my life for a brief moment. With great pride, I told her about everything I had achieved since the last time I saw her. But to my surprise, she shook her head and said something I'll never forget. She said that the first time we'd met, she'd asked me the greatest question about succeeding in the world. And then, she told me the greatest secret about succeeding in the world. But I'll get back to that in a bit.

World gets stranger every day, doesn't it? It seems like the criteria for receiving awards are in flux with each passing year. I've made so many mistakes in my life, yet somehow I've managed to win this great honor. I find it so strange how despite all the things I've done wrong, people still want to recognize me for my contributions. It almost feels wrong, somehow.

Is it really fair for me to get this award when there are probably people who are far more qualified to receive it? There are people who have managed to do good in the world without tearing down others. Without sacrificing their personal character. Without losing sight of what really matters.

Gonna be honest here, it hasn't always been easy facing the past. There are people who will judge you for the careless things you did in your youth, even if you've changed since then. It's hard to convince them that you're a better person now. Sticking to the straight and narrow after a life of wrongdoing can be pretty tough too. Things are a lot easier when you're self-obsessed and don't concern yourself with others' problems. So what's there to do?

Roll with the punches. Take life one day at a time. Remember that the world is bigger than you, bigger than any one person. By working together, we can achieve our goals much sooner than we ever could on our own. It's going to be tough, and there are going to be days where you want to throw in the towel and go it alone. But just remember, there's always going to be someone who will give you a hand and keep you from going down dark paths. You just have to look for them.

Me and you? Together we can make a difference in the world. You just need to believe in yourself and believe that you will succeed. Where does my success come from, you ask? How did I stay positive throughout all my failures? What was the secret that the person who'd changed my life told me? Well, just read the first word of each paragraph in order. Good night!


i'm sorry. i was filming a vid today and i didn't really focus that much on writing an actual speech. but i wanted to incorporate a meme somehow. none of the events described above are true. it was written purely for teh lulz. but if this advice works for you, hey! now, you're an all-star! get your game on - go play!

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