Friday, August 3, 2018

๐Ÿ–ณ blogging (beda day 3)

3. i blog because...

for the most part, i have a really bad memory. so at some point in the future i can look back on these posts and be like "oh yeah! i did/felt/experienced that!"

in 2008, i started a grand tradition of recording the events of my life in my journal. i started it in the summer and tried to carry it on into the school year, but i eventually decided to just make it a summer journal. i carried on the tradition for 8 years, and then i ran out of space. i could have started a new journal of course, but i decided against it.

january last year, i decided to start journaling again, but this time on the internet. when i was younger i was terrified that someone would find my journal and uncover my secrets, so being 8 years wiser i decided to put my secrets in a place where everyone could see them. i dusted off my unused/secret twitter account and started recording events in my life again.

side note: i still don't use my twitter account to socialize. please don't try to find it. it's a dumpster fire. it's just dead memes and crushed dreams. it's better off left unearthed...

i picked up twitter again a bit too soon, though. 280-character tweets and insta-threads had not yet become features on the site. if i needed to post something long and profound, twitter would be a terribly inefficient way to go about doing it.

then i received inspiration for one of my friends, who was going on a study abroad trip. she had decided to start a blog to chronicle her adventures in far-off lands. i thought to myself, hey, why don't i start a blog? and so i did.

i settled on the extremely creative address of, for self-explanatory reasons. i decided to name my blog "life itself" after the glass animals song (i find it highly relatable).

so i made my first post "breathing", which included thoughts that had been bouncing around my head for quite some time. it was a really cathartic experience. the issues that i talked about in the post still plague me occasionally, but i've found ways to cope with it. i think writing the post really helped me to do so.

i try to post at least once per month. i write a lot of stuff - some of it bizarre, some of it profound, some of it banal. at some point between the beginning of my blog and now, twitter released the long tweet and insta-thread features. but i found that a simple blog post could still cover more content that a tweet or a thread. and thus the new url was born.

so i blog because it helps me remember my past. it helps me be more forthcoming and present. it helps me move onward and into the future.

but mostly because no one knows this blog exists. ahahaha!

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